The Exchange of Wedding Rings represent the vows and promises the bride and groom have exchanged. They signify to the world that that they belong to someone special and someone special belongs to them.

Exchange of Rings 1

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
You are the love of my life
And you are my very best friend

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
You are the love of my life
And you are my very best friend

Exchange of Rings 2

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
I give you this ring to wear
As a symbol of my abiding love,
My eternal faith, and my undying devotion.
It is an outward reminder of our inner unity.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
I give you this ring to wear
As a symbol of my abiding love,
My eternal faith, and my undying devotion.
It is an outward reminder of our inner unity.

Exchange of Rings 3

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours.
It is a symbol of my eternal love,
My everlasting friendship,
And the promise of all my tomorrows.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours.
It is a symbol of my eternal love,
My everlasting friendship,
And the promise of all my tomorrows.

Exchange of Rings 4

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
This ring I give you
Is a symbol of my love.
I pledge to share with you my heart,
My home, and all of my worldly goods.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
This ring I give you
Is a symbol of my love.
I pledge to share with you my heart,
My home, and all of my worldly goods.

Exchange of Rings 5

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
With this ring, I marry you:
With my loving heart.
With my willing body.
And with my eternal soul.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
With this ring, I marry you:
With my loving heart.
With my willing body.
And with my eternal soul.

Exchange of Rings 6

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
I offer my vow to you in the form of this ring,
so that my word and my love,
will always be with you,
close to your heart.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
I offer my vow to you in the form of this ring,
so that my word and my love,
will always be with you,
close to your heart.

Exchange of Rings 7

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
As a sign of my love for you,
of choosing to share my whole life’s journey with you,
and of my knowing that in marrying you
I shall become much more than I am,
I give you this ring, with the pledge
That with you, I shall become my highest expression of God,
Sharing the gifts that I have and I am with you and the world.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
As a sign of my love for you,
of choosing to share my whole life’s journey with you,
and of my knowing that in marrying you
I shall become much more than I am,
I give you this ring, with the pledge
That with you, I shall become my highest expression of God,
Sharing the gifts that I have and I am with you and the world.

Exchange of Rings 8

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
I GROOM take BRIDE to be my wife.
I promise you love, honor and respect,
to be faithful to you
and forsaking all others,
until death do us part.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
I BRIDE take GROOM to be my husband.
I promise you love, honor and respect,
to be faithful to you
and forsaking all others,
until death do us part.

Exchange of Rings 9

BRIDE, I give you this ring that you may wear it as a reminder of my love for you.

GROOM, I give you this ring that you may wear it as a reminder of my love for you.

Exchange of Rings 10

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
BRIDE, I give you this ring,
as a symbol of my love.
I ask you to wear it as a sign to the world that you are my wife.
With this ring, I thee wed.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
GROOM, I give you this ring,
as a symbol of my love.
I ask you to wear it as a sign to the world that you are my husband.
With this ring, I thee wed.

Exchange of Rings 11

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
I give this ring to you,
my beloved,
my friend,
my wife.
Whenever I see this ring,
I will remember the cherished bond we have created here tonight.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
I give this ring to you,
my beloved,
my friend, my husband.
Whenever I see this ring,
I will remember the cherished bond we have created here tonight.

Exchange of Rings 12

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
I give you this ring
as a reminder
that I will love, honor, and cherish you,
In all times,
In all places,
And in all ways, forever.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
I give you this ring
as a reminder
that I will love, honor, and cherish you,
In all times,
In all places,
And in all ways, forever.

Exchange of Rings 13

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
I GROOM, take thee, BRIDE to be my Wife.
To have and to hold,
in sickness and in health,
for richer or for poorer,
in joy and sorrow,
and I promise my love to you.
And with this ring,
I take you as my Wife,
for as long as we both shall live.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
I BRIDE, take thee GROOM, to be my Husband.
To have and to hold,
in sickness and in health,
for richer or for poorer,
in joy and sorrow,
and I promise my love to you.
And with this ring,
I take you as my husband,
for as long as we both shall live.

Exchange of Rings 14

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
On this day…
I marry my best friend…
The one who shares my life, my love and my dreams.
BRIDE, I give you this ring
As a symbol of my love and devotion
I offer you my heart, my hand, and my love
I join my life with yours
To cherish and protect you as my wife
With all that I am…
With all that I have…
I honor you as my wife forevermore.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
On this day…
I marry my best friend…
The one who shares my life, my love and my dreams.
GROOM, I give you this ring
As a symbol of my love and devotion
I offer you my heart, my hand, and my love
I join my life with yours
To cherish and protect you as my husband
With all that I am…
With all that I have…
I honor you as my husband forevermore.

Exchange of Rings 15

Bride, place the ring on Groom’s finger and repeat after me:
With this ring,
I pledge my love and faithfulness to you,
today, tomorrow and always.

Groom, place the ring on Bride’s finger and repeat after me:
With this ring,
I pledge my love and faithfulness to you,
today, tomorrow and always.

Exchange of Rings 16

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
This ring is our symbol that you are my lover and you are my best friend in all times, in all places, and in all ways, forever.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
This ring is our symbol that you are my lover and you are my best friend in all times, in all places, and in all ways, forever.

Exchange of Rings 17

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
With this ring
I marry you
and join my life with yours.
Accept this ring
as a sign of my love and faithfulness
for all the years to come.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
With this ring
I marry you
and join my life with yours.
Accept this ring
as a sign of my love and faithfulness
for all the years to come.

Exchange of Rings 18

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
BRIDE, I give you this ring
as a symbol of my vows,
and with all that I am, and all that I have,
I honor you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
GROOM, I give you this ring
as a symbol of my vows,
and with all that I am, and all that I have,
I honor you, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Exchange of Rings 19

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
BRIDE, I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
GROOM, I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity.

Exchange of Rings 20

With this ring, I thee wed.

Exchange of Rings 21

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
You are my life, my love,
and with this ring I marry you.
I promise to be open and honest in our partnership,
and I pledge myself to you from this day forward and for all eternity.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
You are my life, my love,
and with this ring I marry you.
I promise to be open and honest in our partnership,
and I pledge myself to you from this day forward and for all eternity.

Exchange of Rings 22

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
With this ring,
I pledge my constant and abiding love.
I join my life with yours in loving kindness and compassion.
I join my life with yours in faithfulness.
This is my beloved, and this is my friend.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
With this ring,
I pledge my constant and abiding love.
I join my life with yours in loving kindness and compassion.
I join my life with yours in faithfulness.
This is my beloved, and this is my friend.

Exchange of Rings 23

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
On this day…
I marry my best friend…
The one who shares my life, my love and my dreams.
BRIDE, I give you this ring
As a symbol of my love and devotion
I offer you my heart, my hand, and my love
I join my life with yours
To cherish and to protect you as my wife
With all that I am…
With all that I have…
I honor you as my wife forevermore.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
On this day…
I marry my best friend…
The one who shares my life, my love and my dreams.
GROOM, I give you this ring
As a symbol of my love and devotion
I offer you my heart, my hand, and my love
I join my life with yours
To cherish and to protect you as my husband
With all that I am…
With all that I have…
I honor you as my husband forevermore.

Exchange of Rings 24

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
Just as this circle is without end,
my love for you is never-ending.
With this ring,
I take you to be my partner for life.
I offer you my heart, my hand, and my love.
With all that I am…
With all that I have…
I will honor you as my wife forevermore.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
Just as this circle is without end,
my love for you is never-ending.
With this ring,
I take you to be my partner for life.
I offer you my heart, my hand, and my love.
With all that I am…
With all that I have…
I will honor you as my husband forevermore.

Exchange of Rings 25

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
BRIDE, this ring is a token of my love.
I marry you with this ring,
with all 
that I have and all that I am.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
GROOM, this ring is a token of my love.
I marry you with this ring,
with all 
that I have and all that I am.

Exchange of Rings 26

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
BRIDE, I will forever wear this ring
as a sign of my commitment
and the desire of my heart.

BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
GROOM, I will forever wear this ring / as a sign of my commitment / and the desire of my heart.

Exchange of Rings 27

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
_______________, I give you this ring / as a symbol of my love and faithfulness, / and as I place it on your finger, / I commit my very heart and soul to you. / I ask you to wear this ring / as a reminder of the vows we have spoken / on this, our wedding day.
BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
_______________, I give you this ring / as a symbol of my love and faithfulness, / and as I place it on your finger, / I commit my very heart and soul to you. / I ask you to wear this ring / as a reminder of the vows we have spoken / on this, our wedding day.

Exchange of Rings 28

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
_______________, I give you this ring / as a sign of my commitment and the desire of my heart. / May it always be a reminder / that I have chosen you above all others, / and from this day forward, / we shall be united as husband and wife.
BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
_______________, I give you this ring / as a sign of my commitment and the desire of my heart. / May it always be a reminder / that I have chosen you above all others, / and from this day forward, / we shall be united as husband and wife.

Exchange of Rings 29

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
_______________, as I place this ring on your finger, / may it always remind you of my never-ending love, / and may it always remind me / of the precious treasure I have in you. / Wear this ring with joy, / for your love has made me complete.
BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
_______________, as I place this ring on your finger, / may it always remind you of my never-ending love, / and may it always remind me / of the precious treasure I have in you. / Wear this ring with joy, / for your love has made me complete.

Exchange of Rings 30

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
I give you this ring. / Wear it with love and joy. / As this ring has no end, / neither shall my love for you. / I choose you to be my (wife/husband) / this day and forevermore.
BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
I give you this ring. / Wear it with love and joy. / As this ring has no end, / neither shall my love for you. / I choose you to be my (wife/husband) / this day and forevermore.

Exchange of Rings 31

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
This ring I give you / in token of my love and devotion, / and with my heart, / I pledge to you all that I am. / With this ring, I marry you / and join my life to yours.  
BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
This ring I give you / in token of my love and devotion, / and with my heart, / I pledge to you all that I am. / With this ring, I marry you / and join my life to yours.  

Exchange of Rings 32

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
_______________, I give you this ring / as a symbol of my love for you. / Just as this band encircles your finger, / may you always feel encircled by my love.
BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
_______________, I give you this ring / as a symbol of my love for you. / Just as this band encircles your finger, / may you always feel encircled by my love.

Exchange of Rings 33

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
With this ring, I thee wed, / and from this day forward, / I consecrate and commit / my love and my life / to you alone.
BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
With this ring, I thee wed, / and from this day forward, / I consecrate and commit / my love and my life / to you alone.

Exchange of Rings 34

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
You are more precious to me today than yesterday, / and you will be more cherished tomorrow than you are today. / Please wear this ring / as a symbol of my eternal love for you, / a love that transcends all of our yesterdays, / all of our todays, / and all of our tomorrows.
BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
You are more precious to me today than yesterday, / and you will be more cherished tomorrow than you are today. / Please wear this ring / as a symbol of my eternal love for you, / a love that transcends all of our yesterdays, / all of our todays, / and all of our tomorrows.

Exchange of Rings 35

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
This ring I give in token and pledge / as a sign of my love and devotion. / With this ring, I thee wed. 
BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
This ring I give in token and pledge / as a sign of my love and devotion. / With this ring, I thee wed. 

Exchange of Rings 36

GROOM, as you place the ring on BRIDE’s finger, please repeat after me:
_______________, I give you my hand as I give you my heart, / unreservedly and unconditionally. / I give you this ring as I give you my love, / exclusively and eternally.
BRIDE, as you place the ring on GROOM’s finger, please repeat after me:
_______________, I give you my hand as I give you my heart, / unreservedly and unconditionally. / I give you this ring as I give you my love, / exclusively and eternally.